RAMP TS001 Step 2 Modify the Code Tables Prototype


RAMP-TS001 Step 2: Modify the Code Tables Prototype

In this step you will modify the properties of the Code Tables business object by removing the default filter created for it. When you are rapidly modernizing an application segment by simply attaching an existing 5250 screen to the Framework, you do not need filters.

1.   Double-click Code Tables to display its properties.

2.   Display the Filters tab.

3.   Delete the New Filter created by default by selecting it and clicking Delete.


Because there is no filter (and therefore no instance list), you also need to modify the definition of the Details command:

4.   Display the Commands Enabled tab.

5.   Select the Details command and make its command type Business Object Command.


A message will be displayed asking if you want to restart the Framework.


6.   Uncheck the message box Warn me whenever I make this type of change and click on the Close button.

7.   Close the properties window.

8.   Save the Framework.