DecodingGrade Property

NI Vision for Visual Basic

DecodingGrade Property



Data Type


You can use the following constants with this data type:

  • cwimaqAIMGradeA—The method assigned the Data Matrix barcode a grade of A.
  • cwimaqAIMGradeB—The method assigned the Data Matrix barcode a grade of B.
  • cwimaqAIMGradeC—The method assigned the Data Matrix barcode a grade of C.
  • cwimaqAIMGradeD—The method assigned the Data Matrix barcode a grade of D.
  • cwimaqAIMGradeF—The method assigned the Data Matrix barcode a grade of F.


The letter grade assigned to a Data Matrix barcode based on the success in decoding the Data Matrix barcode. The method sets this grade to cwimaqAIMGradeA if the method could decode the Data Matrix barcode, otherwise the function sets this grade to cwimaqAIMGradeF.