12 4 7 New Format Attribute and Repeat Attributes

LANSA Technical

12.4.7 New Format Attribute and Repeat Attributes




This attribute is valid in DISPLAY, REQUEST or POP_UP commands and indicates that the field should be placed on a new screen format.
Note: This attribute is ignored by Visual LANSA.


This attribute is valid in DISPLAY, REQUEST or POP_UP commands and indicates that the field should be repeated onto each and every format required.




This command indicates that the DISPLAY command should design 2 separate screen formats. The first should include fields #A #B #C. The second (which was triggered by the *NEWFORMAT attribute) should contain fields #D, #E and #F:



When a DISPLAY, REQUEST or POP_UP command uses multiple screen formats (either because all the fields specified will not fit on one format or because a *NEWFORMAT attribute is used) it can be treated like one "long" format. When the DISPLAY or REQUEST command is executed all resulting formats will be displayed in order before the next RDML command is executed. Refer to the DISPLAY or REQUEST command for more details.

This command indicates that fields #A -> #Z should be displayed. In addition field #A has the attribute *REPEAT. This indicates to LANSA that if fields #A -> #Z will not fit on one format, then field #A should be repeated on each and every additional format that is designed: