8 28 9 ANDIF and ORIF Logical Operators

LANSA Technical

8.28.9 *ANDIF and *ORIF Logical Operators

RDMLX supports *AND and *OR logical operators. The following code fragment illustrates the syntax of these operators:

ConditionalExpression1 *OR  ConditionalExpression2
ConditionalExpression1 *AND ConditionalExpression2

Both of these operators fully evaluate the two conditional expressions coded either side of the operator before logically combining the resultant Boolean values into a logical result. This means that there is no way of stopping the second conditional expression based on the result of the first conditional expression.

Sometimes you may want to stop the second conditional expression based on the result of the first conditional expression. Referred to as short-circuiting, the following example illustrates the coding style that has previously been used logical operators.

If_Ref Com(#ReferenceOne) Is_Not(*null)
   If Cond('#ReferenceOne.Left <= 0')
   Set #ReferenceOne Left(100)

So it has been necessary to write two conditional commands in order to first ensure that the variable #ReferenceOne was not null and therefore could be referenced. The second conditional command then checked the state of the component before executing the SET command.

Full RDMLX supports short circuiting using the *ANDIF and *ORIF operators.

The *ANDIF operator will only execute the second conditional expression should the first conditional expression return a True result. The *ORIF operator will only execute the second conditional expression should the first conditional expression return a False result.

This means that the previous example can now be coded as:

If Cond( (#ReferenceOne *IsNot *Null) *AndIf (#ReferenceOne.Left <= 0))
Set #ReferenceOne Left(100)


The following code fragment shows the use of the *OrIf and *AndIf operators:

SET COM(#COM_OWNER) PSCENARIO('(#ReferenceOne *isnot *null) *andif (#ReferenceOne.Left <= 0))')
(#ReferenceOne.Left <= 0))
IF COND((#DEPTMENT *IsNot *null) *AndIf (#DEPTMENT.Value = ADM))

SET COM(#COM_OWNER) PSCENARIO('if (#DEPTMENT.value = FIN) *orif (#section.value =  ''05'')')
IF ((#DEPTMENT.value = ADM) *OrIf (#section.value = '05'))

SET COM(#COM_OWNER) PSCENARIO('if cond( (#COM_OWNER.ComponentPatternName = QAP308) *andif (#com_self.componentpatternname = QAP308))')
IF ((#COM_OWNER.ComponentPatternName = QAP308) *AndIf (#com_self.componentpatternname = QAP308))

Ý 8.28 Enhanced Expressions