7 47 FETCH

LANSA Technical

7.47 FETCH

The FETCH command is used to fetch fields from the first record in a file that matches a nominated key, condition or relative record number.

Portability Considerations

Refer to parameters: FROM_FILE and LOCK

Also See

7.47.1 FETCH Parameters

7.47.2 FETCH Examples



  FETCH -------- FIELDS ------- field name  field attributes --->

                                |           |               | |

                                |            --- 7 max -----  |

                                |*ALL                         |

                                |*ALL-REAL                    |

                                |*ALL-VIRT                    |

                                |*INCLUDING                   |

                                |*EXCLUDING                   |

                                | expandable group            |

                                |------ 1000 max for RDMLX----|

                                 ------- 100 max for RDML ----


             >-- FROM_FILE ---- file name . *FIRST ------------->

                                            library name




             >-- WHERE -------- 'condition' -------------------->


             >-- WITH_KEY ----- key field values --------------->

                                expandable group expression


             >-- IO_STATUS ---- *STATUS ------------------------>

                                field name


             >-- IO_ERROR ----- *ABORT ------------------------->





             >-- VAL_ERROR ---- *LASTDIS ----------------------->





             >-- NOT_FOUND ---- *NEXT -------------------------->




             >-- ISSUE_MSG ---- *NO ---------------------------->



             >-- LOCK --------- *NO ---------------------------->



             >-- WITH_RRN ----- *NONE -------------------------->


             >-- RETURN_RRN --- *NONE -------------------------->


             >-- KEEP_LAST ---- *NONE --------------------------|

                                1 - 9999