1 2 16 Field Attributes

LANSA Technical

1.2.16 Field Attributes

Field attributes are used to control how a field is displayed when it is used as an input field (1.2.17 Input Attributes) and how a field is displayed when it is used for output (1.2.18 Output Attributes).

Field Attributes

Specify the field attributes. You may manually edit the list of attributes for a field, or the list will automatically be updated as you select the codes from the lists for specific Attribute Types. The allowable 1.2.17 Input Attributes and 1.2.18 Output Attributes will vary by 1.1 Field Types.

Attribute Type

Specify the desired attribute type from the drop down list. The allowable Attribute Types for the 1.2.17 Input Attributes and 1.2.18 Output Attributes will vary by 1.1 Field Types.

Ý 1.2 Field Definitions