The CALLCHECK command is used to validate data by calling a program and optionally pass additional parameters to it as well as to then take appropriate action as determined by the return codes.
Portability Considerations |
See Parameter PROG_TYPE. |
Also See
7.7.2 CALLCHECK Comments / Warnings
CALLCHECK ---- FIELD -------- field name --------------------->
>-- BY_CALLING --- program name . *LIBL ----------->
library name
>-- PROG_TYPE ---- program type ------------------->
>-- ADD_PARM ----- additional parameters ---------->
| expandable group expression |
---------- 20 characters ----
>-- GOOD_RET ----- *NEXT -------------------------->
>-- BAD_RET ------ *ERROR ------------------------->
>-- MSGTXT ------- *NONE -------------------------->
message text
>-- MSGID -------- DCU0005 ------------------------>
message identifier
>-- MSGF --------- DC@M01 . *LIBL ----------------->
message file . library name
>-- MSGDTA ------- substitution variables ---------|
| expandable group expression |
-------- 20 max -----------------