10 9 2 AsCustomDisplayString

LANSA Technical

10.9.2 AsCustomDisplayString

AsCustomDisplayString returns the date and time formatted using the supplied formatting strings.

Input Parameters

Parameter 1: The date formatting string made up of a combination of the formats specified in CustomDateFormat. For details about valid date formats please see CustomDateFormat.

Parameter 2: The time formatting string made up of a combination of the formats specified in CustomTimeFormat. For details about valid time formats please see CustomTimeFormat.


#STD_TEXT := #STD_DTIMX.AsCustomDisplayString( 'DD/MM/YY' 'hh.mm.ss TT' )

Example output: 07/08/12 05.03.09 PM


#STD_TEXT := #STD_DTIMX.AsCustomDisplayString( 'DDDD, DD MMM YYYY' '(H:mm)' )

Example output: Wednesday, 07 Nov 2012 (17:03)


Ý 10. Intrinsic Functions