6 1 5 Anticipated Usage

LANSA Technical

6.1.5 Anticipated Usage

Mandatory. Default=Light.

Specify the amount of usage of the process which is anticipated.


Allowable values are:


Anticipated usage is LIGHT. The process will not be used repeatedly and continuously. Most processes are considered to be LIGHT usage.


Anticipated usage is heavy. The process will be used repeatedly and continuously. This option is normally only used in repetitive data entry applications.


Platform Considerations

  • IBM i: In technical terms the Anticipated Usage value indicates whether or not the RPG programs created for the functions in this process should set on the LR (last record) indicator and close all files when terminating.
  • IBM i: The Anticipated Usage value can be changed dynamically (without having to recompile any programs) so it may be worthwhile experimenting with it to modify system performance/throughput.

Ý 6.1 Process Definition