Batch Control Target Field

LANSA Technical

Batch Control Target Field


Specify from 1 to 4 fields in the "batch control file" that are to hold the accumulations of the fields from this file.

At least one pair of fields (source and target) is required.


  • All fields must be numeric.


  • The checking (and testing) of accumulated field precision is a user responsibility and is not performed by LANSA.

Tips & Techniques

  • Note that while LANSA will check that all fields nominated exist in their respective files, and are numeric, it will not check the sizes. Thus it is possible to accumulate a field with 4 decimal positions into a field with no decimal positions. All decimal precision would be lost and the accumulation would probably be meaningless. Likewise a field with 15 significant digits could be accumulated into a field with 1 significant digit. Again the accumulation would almost certainly be meaningless.

Also See

Batch Control Source Field

Ý 3.8 Batch Control