17.4.8 ITxx - Trace Parameters
This parameter specifies whether the application is to produce a trace file. Specify Y to produce a trace file or N to not produce a trace file. Trace files are named x_tracennn.txt. The highest nnn suffix indicates the newest trace file. The production of trace files severely impacts application performance.
This parameter specifies the level of trace. Valid values are 0 to 9, where 0 provides the lowest level of detail and 9 the highest level of detail. This should not be changed unless requested by your Product Vendor.
This parameter specifies the maximum number of lines in the trace file. The maximum number you can enter is 999,999,999.
This parameter specifies the trace categories. It allows you to restrict the areas of LANSA that will generate trace messages. This should not be changed unless requested by your Product Vendor. Use of this value is described in 17.9 User Instructions for Microsoft Exception or Dr Watson. Multiple values can be specified at a time as one string, e.g. DBMUIM.
This parameter specifies the heap validation level. This should not be changed unless requested by your Product Vendor. Use of this value is described in 17.9 User Instructions for Microsoft Exception or Dr Watson. Note that it does not require ITRO=Y in order to validate the heap. Setting ITRO=Y will just add trace messages to the heap validation. They are often used in conjunction in order to provide detailed diagnostic information for use by your Product Vendor.