7 76 POP_UP

LANSA Technical

7.76 POP_UP

The POP_UP command displays information on a workstation in a pop up window.

The POP_UP command is only valid in RDMLX functions when being used on the Web. If it is used elsewhere a fatal error occurs at runtime. If this occurs, either put your POP_UP command in an RDML function or use a Form to show user information.

The POP_UP command is functionally very similar to the DISPLAY command, except that the information is presented in a window that overlays (or pops up over) information that is already on the screen.

For example, the following DISPLAY command:


might cause a panel to be presented on the workstation that looks something like this:



         Customer no  : 99999999





         Telephone    : 9999999999

         Zip          : 999999




If the following POP_UP command was then executed:


the resulting panel on the workstation might look something like this:


         Customer no  : 99999999

         Name         : XXXXXXXX ---------------------- XX

         Address      : XXXXXXXX |                    | XX

                      : XXXXXXXX | Debit  : 999999.99 | XX

                      : XXXXXXXX | Credit : 999999.99 | XX

         Telephone    : 99999999 |                    |

         Zip          : 999999   ----------------------



Portability Considerations

Refer to parameters: FIELDS , IGCCNV_KEY and TEXT .


Also See

7.76.1 POP_UP Parameters

7.76.2 POP_UP Comments / Warnings

7.76.3 POP_UP Examples



  POP_UP ------- FIELDS ------- field name  field attributes --->

                                |           |               | |

                                |            --- 7 max -----  |

                                | expandable group expression |

                                |------ 1000 max for RDMLX----|

                                 ------- 100 max for RDML ----


             >-- DESIGN ------- *ACROSS ------------------------>



             >-- IDENTIFY ----- *LABEL ------------------------->





             >-- IDENT_ATR ---- *DEFAULT ----------------------->


                                *HI *RI *UL (3 maximum)


             >-- DOWN_SEP ----- *DESIGN ------------------------>

                                decimal value


             >-- ACROSS_SEP --- *DESIGN ------------------------>

                                decimal value


             >-- AT_LOC ------- *CENTRE ------------------------>

                             or *QUAD1 *QUAD2 *QUAD3 *QUAD4

                             or *UPPER *LOWER *LEFT *RIGHT

                             or (row number    column number)


             >-- WITH_SIZE ---- *AUTO -------------------------->

                             or (width   length)


             >-- PANEL_ID ----- *AUTO -------------------------->

                             or *NONE

                             or panel identifier


             >-- PANEL_TITL --- *FUNCTION ---------------------->

                             or 'Panel title'


             >-- BROWSELIST --- *NONE -------------------------->

                                name of list


             >-- EXIT_KEY ----- *YES -- *EXIT -- *HIGH - *NONE ->

                                *NO     *MENU    *LOW   condition





             >-- MENU_KEY ----- *YES -- *MENU ---- *NONE ------->

                                *NO     *EXIT      condition





             >-- ADD_KEY ------ *NO ---- *NEXT --- *NONE ------->

                                *YES     *RETURN   condition



             >-- CHANGE_KEY --- *NO ---- *NEXT --- *NONE ------->

                                *YES     *RETURN   condition



             >-- DELETE_KEY --- *NO ---- *NEXT --- *NONE ------->

                                *YES     *RETURN   condition



             >-- PROMPT_KEY --- *DFT --- *AUTO --- *NONE ------->

                                *YES     *NEXT     condition

                                *NO      *RETURN



             >-- USER_KEYS --- fnc key--'desc'--*NEXT -- *NONE ->

                              |                 *RETURN   cond |

                              |                 label          |

                              |                                |

                               --------- 5 maximum ------------


             >-- SHOW_NEXT ---- *PRO --------------------------->




             >-- TEXT --------- 'text' --- line/ --- position -->

                               |           row       column   |

                                ----------- 50 max -----------

                                 *TMAPnnn  1  1  (special value)


             >-- CURSOR_LOC --- *NONE  ------- *NONE ----------->

                                *ATFIELD       field name

                                row value      column value


             >-- STD_HEAD ----- *DFT --------------------------->




             >-- IGCCNV_KEY  -- *AUTO --------------------------|



                                condition name