The MESSAGE command has 4 main uses:
- To cause a message to appear on line 22/24 of the next screen format that is displayed to the user.
- To cause a message to be displayed on line 22/24 of the current screen format (no matter what it is) and then disappear when the next screen format is displayed to the user.
- To cause a message to be displayed on line 22/24 of the current screen format (no matter what it is) and then delay the executing job for a minimum period of time.
- To cause a single message to overlay the current screen format in a message "window" and optionally receive a reply to the message back into the RDML program. The message window may be positioned to overlay the top, middle or bottom of the current screen format.
Portability Considerations |
Also See
7.70.2 MESSAGE Comments / Warnings
CLR_MESSAGES Built In Function
MESSAGE ------ MSGTXT --------*NONE -------------------------->
'message text'
>-- MSGID -------- *NONE -------------------------->
message identifier
>-- MSGF --------- *NONE -------------------------->
message file . library name
>-- MSGDTA ------- substitution variables --------->
|expandable group expression|
----------- 20 max --------
>-- TYPE --------- *INFO -------------------------->
>-- MIN_TIME ----- 0 ------------------------------>
number of seconds
>-- REPLY -------- *NONE -------------------------->
field name
>-- BORDER ------- *YES---------------------------->
>-- LOCATE ------- *BOTTOM ------------------------|