6 6 Process Help Text

LANSA Technical

6.6 Process Help Text

Help text is information that is displayed to the user when application requests help (using the Help key or equivalent request). Help text for processes is stored in the LANSA Repository. This help text is automatically available from the process menu and can also be accessed when a function within the process is executed. Function Help Text can also be accessed. Help text can be entered for each language specified in the partition.

Generally Help text has the following characteristics:

  • It is free format. No restrictions usually exist on the content or format of Help text.
  • It relates directly to the action the user was taking at the time the Help was requested. Usually the process or function that the user is using is explained in some detail.

LANSA automatically controls the handling of the Help processing in applications. LANSA will automatically determine the type of Help that is required (field, component, process or function) and automatically display the associated Help text (if any exists).

LANSA does not automatically create the free format Help text that is associated with the processes or functions. LANSA can dynamically, and in the correct language, create the Help text associated with a field from the repository and the rules that it contains. You can turn off this automatic field level help text feature: globally, by field, or precede it with your own Help text.

Also See

6.8 Function Help Text

In the Developer Guide:

Repository Help Editor.

In the User Guide

Repository Help Tab

In this guide:

Substitution/Control Values

Substitution/Control Values - Visual LANSA Only

Help Text Attributes

Field Help Text.

Ý 6. Processes and Functions