Þ Note: Built-In Function Rules.
Adds/updates the value for the specified Registry Key.
When the length of an Argument is stated as being greater than 50, this is only true for Fields. Literal values are restricted to a maximum length of 50. This is especially true for the first four arguments in this BIF. All these arguments are limited to a length of 50 unless a field is used.
For use with
Return Values
If the S type is used to save a field value (except Binary or VarBinary ), the string representation of the field will be saved in the Registry.
If the B type is used to save an Alpha, Char or String field, it is presumed that the field value is a hexadecimal string and it will be converted into its actual value. Any byte in the Alpha, Char or String field must be a 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E or F character. If a non Hexadecimal character is encountered, it will be replaced with '0' (zero).
If the D type is used to save an Alpha, Char or String field value, it is presumed that the field value is a decimal string representation of a value and it will be converted into that actual value.
The Supported & Default Key Types table shows how the key type is defined by default and also the supported key types for each field type. The default is applied when the 5th argument is not specified. It is strongly recommended that you use the default.
If a non-supported key type is used, a fatal error with the message: "Using non-supported key type" will occur.