3.12.4 Other Data Sources Load Options
Select this icon after you have highlighted a file on the import list to change the following options:
Submit compiles
Select this option if you wish to compile the loaded table definitions once they have been saved in the repository.
Allow read access only
Select this option if you do not wish any changes to be made to the table. This will automatically disable Create RRNO Column and Add Columns to Support LOBs. Any Inserts, Updates, or Deletes attempted against the file will be disallowed.
This option is displayed as 3.6.21 Readonly Access on the tab.
Add columns to support LOBs
Select this option if you wish to access BLOB or CLOB fields from the file the same way as they are read from a LANSA file. Additional columns will be added to the file when it is compiled, allowing a particular file name to be associated with each BLOB or CLOB field value when it is read from the database.
Database privileges are required to modify external tables. Please refer to Load Other Files in the for more information.
Create RRNO column
Select this option if you require RRN functionality to be enabled for the loaded tables. Refer to 3.6.16 Create RRNO Column for more information about this file attribute.
Database privileges are required to modify external tables. Please refer to Load Other Files in the for more information.
Suppress IOM0034
This option will set the Suppress IOM0034 attribute of all loaded table definitions accordingly.
Commitment Control
This option will set the Commitment Control attribute of all loaded table definitions accordingly.
I/O Module Library
This option will set the I/O Module Library attribute of all loaded table definitions accordingly.
Also See
Load Other Files in the .