7 24 3 DEF_REPORT Examples

LANSA Technical

7.24.3 DEF_REPORT Examples

Define report number 1 to be printed on a 198 character printer

Define report number 3 to be printed via print file INVOICE

Define report number 1 to have 3 copies printed on output queue LASER

Define report number 1 to have form length returned in field #RETLEN

Refer also to Producing Reports Using LANSA.

Define report number 1 to be printed on a 198 character printer


Define report number 3 to be printed via print file INVOICE

INVOICE has a length of 50 and a width of 80. Last print line and overflow line are set to 48 and 49 respectively:


Define report number 1 to have 3 copies printed on output queue LASER

Use a formtype of A4 LETTER and for the output to be held:


Define report number 1 to have form length returned in field #RETLEN

Form width is returned in field #RETWID, the overflow value is returned in field #RETOVF, current line number is returned in field #RETLIN and current page number is returned in field #RETPAG.