7.69.1 MENU Parameters
Allows up to 80 characters of message text to be specified. This text will be displayed on line 22/24 when the process's main menu is (re)displayed. The message text specified should be enclosed in quotes. Use either the MSGTXT parameter or the MSGID/MSGF parameters but not both.
Allows a standard message identifier to be specified as the message that should be issued when the function ends and the process's main menu is (re)displayed. Message identifiers must be 7 characters long. Use this parameter in conjunction with the MSGF parameter.
Specifies the message file in which the message identified in the MSGID parameter will be found. This parameter is a qualified name. The message file name must be specified. If required the library in which the message file resides can also be specified. If no library name is specified, library *LIBL is assumed.
Use this parameter only in conjunction with the MSGID and MSGF parameters. It specifies from 1 to 20 values that are to be used to replace "&n" substitution variables in the message specified in the MSGID parameter.
Values in this parameter may be specified as field names, an expandable group expression, alphanumeric literals or numeric literals. They should exactly match in type, length and specification order the format of the substitution variables defined in the message.
When a field specified in this parameter has a type of signed (also called zoned) decimal, the corresponding "&n" variable in the message should have type *CHAR (character). This may cause a problem when dealing with negative values. In this case use packed decimal format instead.
When an "&n" variable in the message has type *DEC (packed decimal) the field specified in this message must be of packed decimal type.
When using alphanumeric literals in this parameter, remember that trailing blanks may be significant. For instance, if a message is defined as:
"&1 are out of stock ... reorder &2"
where &1 is defined as (*CHAR 10) and &2 as (*DEC 7 0), then the message will NOT be issued correctly if specified like this:
or like this
To make LANSA aware of the trailing blanks, the parameter must be specified like this:
When expandable expressions are used, the expanded field list must not exceed the maximum number of substitution variables allowed in the parameter.