7 74 2 OVERRIDE Examples

LANSA Technical

7.74.2 OVERRIDE Examples

Example 1: Override attributes of a field called #ORDER because the context in which it is used makes it appear like a "last" order number:

OVERRIDE FIELD(#ORDER) DESC('Last Order Number') LABEL('Last Order') COLHDG('Last' 'Order' 'Number')

Example 2: Override field #QTY to have 3 more significant digits


Example 3: Override field #QTY so that it has 3 more significant digits and 2 more decimal digits:


Example 4: Override the length of field #SHORT to 10 characters


Example 5: Override field #SHORT so that it is 10 characters shorter:


Example 6: Override a numeric field that is keyboard shift S so that it can be displayed with the J edit code