3 2 1 Field Name

LANSA Technical

3.2.1 Field Name


Specify the name of a field that is to be included in the file definition.


  • A field used in a file definition must be defined in the LANSA Repository.
  • Note: If the "Multi-add fields" interface is being used to add fields to the file, new fields may be created in the repository. Refer to  Field Name Definition.

Tips & Techniques

  • LANSA automatically includes one field into every file it creates. The field is called 3.7 The @@UPID Field in LANSA Created Files and is used by the LANSA database I/O modules to check for 'crossed updates'. Although this field is defined in the LANSA Repository it should NEVER be manually included into a file definition. The field does not appear in the list of fields in the file but will appear in the physical database definition.
  • The allowed field types in a file are determined by the partition settings. For more details, refer to  RDML and RDMLX Partition Concepts in the Administrator Guide.

Also See

3.2.3 Field Key Position

3.2.2 Field Sequence

Ý 3.2 Real Fields in File