7 89 1 SORT_LIST Parameters

LANSA Technical

7.89.1 SORT_LIST Parameters




Specifies the name of the list which is to be sorted.

The default value of *FIRST specifies that the first list declared in the RDML program by a DEF_LIST (define list) command is the list to be used. This list must have the TYPE(*WORKING) parameter to be valid.

If a list name is used then the list name must be declared elsewhere in the RDML program by a DEF_LIST (define list) command and must have the TYPE(*WORKING) parameter.


Specifies the fields whose contents are to be used to order the list and optionally whether the ordering is to be in ascending or descending sequence. An expandable group expression may be entered in this parameter.

Fields nominated in this parameter must be defined in the list nominated in the NAMED parameter.

Where no order sequence is specified for a field, ascending order (*ASCEND) is assumed.