WidthType Property
WidthType property as it applies to the Frameset object.
Returns or sets the width type for the specified Frameset object. Read/write WdFramesetSizeType.
WdFramesetSizeType can be one of these WdFramesetSizeType constants. |
wdFramesetSizeTypeFixed Microsoft Word interprets the width of the specified frame as a fixed value (in points). |
wdFramesetSizeTypePercent Word interprets the width of the specified frame as a percentage of the screen width. |
wdFramesetSizeTypeRelative Word interprets the width of the specified frame as relative to the width of other frames on the frames page. |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Frameset object.
WidthType property as it applies to the HorizontalLineFormat object.
Returns or sets the width type for the specified HorizontalLineFormat object. Read/write WdHorizontalLineWidthType.
WdHorizontalLineWidthType can be one of these WdHorizontalLineWidthType constants. |
wdHorizontalLineFixedWidth Microsoft Word interprets the width (length) of the specified horizontal line as a fixed value (in points). This is the default value for horizontal lines added with the AddHorizontalLine method. Setting the Width property for the InlineShape object associated with a horizontal line sets the WidthType property to this value. |
wdHorizontalLinePercentWidth Word interprets the width (length) of the specified horizontal line as a percentage of the screen width. This is the default value for horizontal lines added with the AddHorizontalLineStandard method. Setting the PercentWidth property on a horizontal line sets the WidthType property to this value. |
expression Required. An expression that returns a HorizontalLineFormat object.
As it applies to the Frameset object.
This example sets the width of the first Frameset object in the active document to 25% of the window width.
With ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.Panes(1).Frameset
.WidthType = wdFramesetSizeTypePercent
.Width = 25
End With
As it applies to the HorizontalLineFormat object.
This example adds horizontal lines to the active document and compares their width types.
Dim temp As InlineShape
Set temp = _
MsgBox "AddHorizontalLineStandard - WidthType = " _
& temp.HorizontalLineFormat.WidthType
Set temp = _
ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.AddHorizontalLine _
("C:\My Documents\ArtsyRule.gif")
MsgBox "AddHorizontalLine - WidthType = " _
& temp.HorizontalLineFormat.WidthType