Hyperlinks Collection Object

Represents the collection of Hyperlink objects in a document, range, or selection.
Using the Hyperlinks Collection
Use the Hyperlinks property to return the Hyperlinks collection. The following example checks all the hyperlinks in document one for a link that contains the word "Microsoft" in the address. If a hyperlink is found, it's activated with the Follow method.
For Each hLink In Documents(1).Hyperlinks
If InStr(hLink.Address, "Microsoft") <> 0 Then
Exit For
End If
Next hLink
Use the Add method to create a hyperlink and add it to the Hyperlinks collection. The following example creates a new hyperlink to the MSN Web site.
ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add Address:="http://www.msn.com/", _
Use Hyperlinks(index), where index is the index number, to return a single Hyperlink object in a document, range, or selection. The following example activates the first hyperlink in the selection.
If Selection.HyperLinks.Count >= 1 Then
End If
The Count property for this collection in a document returns the number of items in the main story only. To count items in other stories use the collection with the Range object.