Leader Property
Returns or sets the leader for the specified TabStop object. Read/write WdTabLeader.
WdTabLeader can be one of these WdTabLeader constants. |
wdTabLeaderDashes |
wdTabLeaderDots |
wdTabLeaderHeavy |
wdTabLeaderLines |
wdTabLeaderMiddleDot |
wdTabLeaderSpaces |
expression Required. An expression that returns a TabStop object.
This example changes the leader for all tab stops that have a leader to dashes for all the paragraphs in the active document.
Dim tsLoop As TabStop
For each tsLoop in ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.TabStops
If tsLoop.Leader <> wdTabLeaderSpaces Then
tsLoop.Leader = wdTabLeaderDashes
End If
Next tsLoop