Type Property
Type property as it applies to the CalloutFormat object.
Returns or sets the callout type. Read/write MsoCalloutType.
MsoCalloutType can be one of these MsoCalloutType constants. |
msoCalloutFour |
msoCalloutOne |
msoCalloutTwo |
msoCalloutMixed |
msoCalloutThree |
expression Required. An expression that returns a CalloutFormat object.
Type property as it applies to the ColorFormat object.
Returns or sets the shape color type. Read-only MsoColorType.
MsoColorType can be one of these MsoColorType constants. |
msoColorTypeCMYK |
msoColorTypeRGB |
msoColorTypeCMS |
msoColorTypeMixed |
msoColorTypeScheme |
expression Required. An expression that returns ColorFormat object.
Type property as it applies to the Diagram object.
Returns the diagram type. Read-only MsoDiagramType.
MsoDiagramType can be one of these MsoDiagramType constants. |
msoDiagramCycle |
msoDiagramMixed |
msoDiagramOrgChart |
msoDiagramPyramid |
msoDiagramRadial |
msoDiagramTarget |
msoDiagramVenn |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Diagram object.
Type property as it applies to the Dialog object.
Returns the type of built-in Microsoft Word dialog box. Read-only WdWordDialog.
WdWordDialog can be one of these WdWordDialog constants. |
wdDialogConsistencyChecker |
wdDialogConvertObject |
wdDialogCreateAutoText |
wdDialogDrawAlign |
wdDialogEditAutoText |
wdDialogEditFind |
wdDialogEditGoTo |
wdDialogInsertAddCaption |
wdDialogInsertBookmark |
wdDialogInsertCaption |
wdDialogInsertCrossReference |
wdDialogInsertDateTime |
wdDialogInsertFile |
wdDialogInsertFormField |
wdDialogInsertIndex |
wdDialogInsertMergeField |
wdDialogInsertObject |
wdDialogInsertPicture |
wdDialogInsertSubdocument |
wdDialogInsertSymbol |
wdDialogInsertTableOfAuthorities |
wdDialogInsertTableOfContents |
wdDialogInsertTableOfFigures |
wdDialogLetterWizard |
wdDialogListCommands |
wdDialogMailMerge |
wdDialogMailMergeCheck |
wdDialogMailMergeCreateDataSource |
wdDialogMailMergeCreateHeaderSource |
wdDialogMailMergeFieldMapping |
wdDialogMailMergeFindRecord |
wdDialogMailMergeHelper |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertAddressBlock |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertAsk |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertFields |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertFillIn |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertGreetingLine |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertIf |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertNextIf |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertSet |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertSkipIf |
wdDialogMailMergeOpenDataSource |
wdDialogMailMergeOpenHeaderSource |
wdDialogMailMergeQueryOptions |
wdDialogMailMergeRecipients |
wdDialogMailMergeUseAddressBook |
wdDialogMarkCitation |
wdDialogMarkIndexEntry |
wdDialogMarkTableOfContentsEntry |
wdDialogNewToolbar |
wdDialogNoteOptions |
wdDialogOrganizer |
wdDialogPhoneticGuide |
wdDialogReviewAfmtRevisions |
wdDialogSearch |
wdDialogTableAutoFormat |
wdDialogTableCellOptions |
wdDialogTableColumnWidth |
wdDialogTableDeleteCells |
wdDialogTableFormatCell |
wdDialogTableFormula |
wdDialogTableInsertCells |
wdDialogTableInsertRow |
wdDialogTableInsertTable |
wdDialogTableOfCaptionsOptions |
wdDialogTableOfContentsOptions |
wdDialogTableProperties |
wdDialogTableRowHeight |
wdDialogTableSort |
wdDialogTableSplitCells |
wdDialogTableTableOptions |
wdDialogTableToText |
wdDialogTableWrapping |
wdDialogTCSCTranslator |
wdDialogTextToTable |
wdDialogToolsAcceptRejectChanges |
wdDialogToolsAdvancedSettings |
wdDialogToolsAutoCorrect |
wdDialogToolsAutoManager |
wdDialogToolsBulletsNumbers |
wdDialogToolsCreateDirectory |
wdDialogToolsCreateLabels |
wdDialogToolsCustomizeKeyboard |
wdDialogToolsCustomizeMenus |
wdDialogToolsEnvelopesAndLabels |
wdDialogToolsHighlightChanges |
wdDialogToolsLanguage |
wdDialogToolsMacroRecord |
wdDialogToolsMergeDocuments |
wdDialogToolsOptionsAutoFormat |
wdDialogToolsOptionsBidi |
wdDialogToolsOptionsEdit |
wdDialogToolsOptionsFuzzy |
wdDialogToolsOptionsPrint |
wdDialogToolsOptionsSpellingAndGrammar |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTypography |
wdDialogToolsOptionsView |
wdDialogToolsProtectSection |
wdDialogToolsSpellingAndGrammar |
wdDialogToolsThesaurus |
wdDialogToolsWordCount |
wdDialogUpdateTOC |
wdDialogWebOptions |
wdDialogConnect |
wdDialogControlRun |
wdDialogCopyFile |
wdDialogDocumentStatistics |
wdDialogDrawSnapToGrid |
wdDialogEditCreatePublisher |
wdDialogEditFrame |
wdDialogEditGoToOld |
wdDialogEditLinks |
wdDialogEditObject |
wdDialogEditPasteSpecial |
wdDialogEditPublishOptions |
wdDialogEditReplace |
wdDialogEditStyle |
wdDialogEditSubscribeOptions |
wdDialogEditSubscribeTo |
wdDialogEditTOACategory |
wdDialogEmailOptions |
wdDialogFileDocumentLayout |
wdDialogFileFind |
wdDialogFileMacCustomPageSetupGX |
wdDialogFileMacPageSetup |
wdDialogFileMacPageSetupGX |
wdDialogFileNew |
wdDialogFileOpen |
wdDialogFilePageSetup |
wdDialogFilePrint |
wdDialogFilePrintOneCopy |
wdDialogFilePrintSetup |
wdDialogFileRoutingSlip |
wdDialogFileSaveAs |
wdDialogFileSaveVersion |
wdDialogFileSummaryInfo |
wdDialogFileVersions |
wdDialogFitText |
wdDialogFontSubstitution |
wdDialogFormatAddrFonts |
wdDialogFormatBordersAndShading |
wdDialogFormatBulletsAndNumbering |
wdDialogFormatCallout |
wdDialogFormatChangeCase |
wdDialogFormatColumns |
wdDialogFormatDefineStyleBorders |
wdDialogFormatDefineStyleFont |
wdDialogFormatDefineStyleFrame |
wdDialogFormatDefineStyleLang |
wdDialogFormatDefineStylePara |
wdDialogFormatDefineStyleTabs |
wdDialogFormatDrawingObject |
wdDialogFormatDropCap |
wdDialogFormatEncloseCharacters |
wdDialogFormatFont |
wdDialogFormatFrame |
wdDialogFormatPageNumber |
wdDialogFormatParagraph |
wdDialogFormatPicture |
wdDialogFormatRetAddrFonts |
wdDialogFormatSectionLayout |
wdDialogFormatStyle |
wdDialogFormatStyleGallery |
wdDialogFormatStylesCustom |
wdDialogFormatTabs |
wdDialogFormatTheme |
wdDialogFormFieldHelp |
wdDialogFormFieldOptions |
wdDialogFrameSetProperties |
wdDialogHelpAbout |
wdDialogHelpWordPerfectHelp |
wdDialogHelpWordPerfectHelpOptions |
wdDialogHorizontalInVertical |
wdDialogIMESetDefault |
wdDialogInsertAutoCaption |
wdDialogInsertBreak |
wdDialogInsertCaptionNumbering |
wdDialogInsertDatabase |
wdDialogInsertField |
wdDialogInsertFootnote |
wdDialogInsertHyperlink |
wdDialogInsertIndexAndTables |
wdDialogInsertNumber |
wdDialogInsertPageNumbers |
wdDialogToolsAutoCorrectExceptions |
wdDialogToolsAutoSummarize |
wdDialogToolsCompareDocuments |
wdDialogToolsCreateEnvelope |
wdDialogToolsCustomize |
wdDialogToolsCustomizeMenuBar |
wdDialogToolsDictionary |
wdDialogToolsHangulHanjaConversion |
wdDialogToolsHyphenation |
wdDialogToolsMacro |
wdDialogToolsManageFields |
wdDialogToolsOptions |
wdDialogToolsOptionsAutoFormatAsYouType |
wdDialogToolsOptionsCompatibility |
wdDialogToolsOptionsFileLocations |
wdDialogToolsOptionsGeneral |
wdDialogToolsOptionsSave |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTrackChanges |
wdDialogToolsOptionsUserInfo |
wdDialogToolsProtectDocument |
wdDialogToolsRevisions |
wdDialogToolsTemplates |
wdDialogToolsUnprotectDocument |
wdDialogTwoLinesInOne |
wdDialogViewZoom |
wdDialogWindowActivate |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Dialog object.
Type property as it applies to the Dictionary object.
Returns the dictionary type. Read-only WdDictionaryType.
WdDictionaryType can be one of these WdDictionaryType constants. |
wdGrammar |
wdHangulHanjaConversionCustom |
wdSpelling |
wdSpellingCustom |
wdSpellingMedical |
wdHangulHanjaConversion |
wdHyphenation |
wdSpellingComplete |
wdSpellingLegal |
wdThesaurus |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Dictionary object.
Type property as it applies to the Document object.
Returns the document type (template or document). Read-only WdDocumentType.
WdDocumentType can be one of these WdDocumentType constants. |
wdTypeDocument |
wdTypeTemplate |
wdTypeFrameset |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Document object.
Type property as it applies to the Field, FormField, and MailMergeField objects.
Returns the field type. Read-only WdFieldType.
WdFieldType can be one of these WdFieldType constants. |
wdFieldFileSize |
wdFieldFootnoteRef |
wdFieldFormDropDown |
wdFieldFormula |
wdFieldGoToButton |
wdFieldHyperlink |
wdFieldImport |
wdFieldIncludePicture |
wdFieldIndex |
wdFieldInfo |
wdFieldLastSavedBy |
wdFieldListNum |
wdFieldMacroButton |
wdFieldMergeField |
wdFieldMergeRec |
wdFieldMergeSeq |
wdFieldNext |
wdFieldNextIf |
wdFieldNoteRef |
wdFieldNumChars |
wdFieldNumPages |
wdFieldNumWords |
wdFieldOCX |
wdFieldPage |
wdFieldPageRef |
wdFieldPrint |
wdFieldPrintDate |
wdFieldPrivate |
wdFieldQuote |
wdFieldRef |
wdFieldRefDoc |
wdFieldRevisionNum |
wdFieldSaveDate |
wdFieldSection |
wdFieldSectionPages |
wdFieldSequence |
wdFieldSet |
wdFieldSkipIf |
wdFieldStyleRef |
wdFieldSubject |
wdFieldSubscriber |
wdFieldSymbol |
wdFieldTemplate |
wdFieldTime |
wdFieldTitle |
wdFieldTOA |
wdFieldTOAEntry |
wdFieldTOC |
wdFieldTOCEntry |
wdFieldUserAddress |
wdFieldUserInitials |
wdFieldUserName |
wdFieldAddin |
wdFieldAdvance |
wdFieldAsk |
wdFieldAuthor |
wdFieldAutoNum |
wdFieldAutoNumLegal |
wdFieldAutoNumOutline |
wdFieldAutoText |
wdFieldAutoTextList |
wdFieldBarCode |
wdFieldComments |
wdFieldCompare |
wdFieldCreateDate |
wdFieldData |
wdFieldDatabase |
wdFieldDate |
wdFieldDDE |
wdFieldDDEAuto |
wdFieldDocProperty |
wdFieldDocVariable |
wdFieldEditTime |
wdFieldEmbed |
wdFieldEmpty |
wdFieldExpression |
wdFieldFileName |
wdFieldFillIn |
wdFieldFormCheckBox |
wdFieldFormTextInput |
wdFieldGlossary |
wdFieldHTMLActiveX |
wdFieldIf |
wdFieldInclude |
wdFieldIncludeText |
wdFieldIndexEntry |
wdFieldKeyWord |
wdFieldLink |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the FillFormat object.
Returns the shape fill format type. Read-only MsoFillType.
MsoFillType can be one of these MsoFillType constants. |
msoFillGradient |
msoFillBackground |
msoFillMixed |
msoFillPatterned |
msoFillPicture |
msoFillSolid |
msoFillTextured |
expression Required. An expression that returns a FillFormat object.
Type property as it applies to the Frameset object.
Returns the Frameset object type. Read-only WdFramesetType.
WdFramesetType can be one of these WdFramesetType constants. |
wdFramesetTypeFrame |
wdFramesetTypeFrameset |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Frameset object.
Type property as it applies to the Hyperlink object.
Returns the hyperlink type. Read-only MsoHyperlinkType.
MsoHyperlinkType can be one of these MsoHyperlinkType constants. |
msoHyperlinkInlineShape |
msoHyperlinkRange |
msoHyperlinkShape |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Hyperlink object.
Type property as it applies to the Index object.
Returns or sets the index type. Read/write WdIndexType.
WdIndexType can be one of these WdIndexType constants. |
wdIndexRunin |
wdIndexIndent |
expression Required. An expression that returns an Index object.
Type property as it applies to the InlineShape object.
Returns the type of inline shape. Read-only WdInlineShapeType.
WdInlineShapeType can be one of these WdInlineShapeType constants. |
wdInlineShapeEmbeddedOLEObject |
wdInlineShapeHorizontalLine |
wdInlineShapeLinkedOLEObject |
wdInlineShapeLinkedPicture |
wdInlineShapeLinkedPictureHorizontalLine |
wdInlineShapeOLEControlObject |
wdInlineShapeOWSAnchor |
wdInlineShapePicture |
wdInlineShapePictureBullet |
wdInlineShapePictureHorizontalLine |
wdInlineShapeScriptAnchor |
expression Required. An expression that returns an InlineShape object.
Type property as it applies to the LinkFormat object.
Returns the link type. Read-only WdLinkType.
WdLinkType can be one of these WdLinkType constants. |
wdLinkTypeText |
wdLinkTypeDDE |
wdLinkTypeDDEAuto |
wdLinkTypeImport |
wdLinkTypeInclude |
wdLinkTypeOLE |
wdLinkTypePicture |
wdLinkTypeReference |
expression Required. An expression that returns a LinkFormat object.
Type property as it applies to the MailMergeDataSource object.
Returns the type of mail merge data source. Read-only WdMailMergeDataSource.
WdMailMergeDataSource can be one of these WdMailMergeDataSource constants. |
wdMergeInfoFromAccessDDE |
wdMergeInfoFromMSQueryDDE |
wdMergeInfoFromODSO |
wdNoMergeInfo |
wdMergeInfoFromExcelDDE |
wdMergeInfoFromODBC |
wdMergeInfoFromWord |
expression Required. An expression that returns a MailMergeDataSource object.
Type property as it applies to the ProofreadingErrors object.
Returns the type of proofreading error. Read-only WdProofreadingErrorType.
WdProofreadingErrorType can be one of these WdProofreadingErrorType constants. |
wdGrammaticalError |
wdSpellingError |
expression Required. An expression that returns a ProofreadingErrors object.
Type property as it applies to the Revision object.
Returns the revision type. Read-only WdRevisionType.
WdRevisionType can be one of these WdRevisionType constants. |
wdNoRevision |
wdRevisionDelete |
wdRevisionInsert |
wdRevisionParagraphProperty |
wdRevisionReconcile |
wdRevisionSectionProperty |
wdRevisionStyleDefinition |
wdRevisionConflict |
wdRevisionDisplayField |
wdRevisionParagraphNumber |
wdRevisionProperty |
wdRevisionReplace |
wdRevisionStyle |
wdRevisionTableProperty |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Revision object.
Type property as it applies to the Selection object.
Returns the selection type. Read-only WdSelectionType.
WdSelectionType can be one of these WdSelectionType constants. |
wdSelectionBlock |
wdSelectionFrame |
wdSelectionIP |
wdSelectionRow |
wdNoSelection |
wdSelectionColumn |
wdSelectionInlineShape |
wdSelectionNormal |
wdSelectionShape |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Selection object.
Type property as it applies to the ShadowFormat object.
Returns or sets the shape shadow type. Read/write MsoShadowType.
MsoShadowType can be one of these MsoShadowType constants. |
msoShadow10 |
msoShadow12 |
msoShadow14 |
msoShadow16 |
msoShadow18 |
msoShadow2 |
msoShadow3 |
msoShadow5 |
msoShadow7 |
msoShadow9 |
msoShadow1 |
msoShadow11 |
msoShadow13 |
msoShadow15 |
msoShadow17 |
msoShadow19 |
msoShadow20 |
msoShadow4 |
msoShadow6 |
msoShadow8 |
msoShadowMixed |
expression Required. An expression that returns a ShadowFormat object.
Type property as it applies to the Shape and ShapeRange objects.
Returns the shape type. Read-only MsoShapeType.
MsoShapeType can be one of these MsoShapeType constants. |
msoAutoShape |
msoCanvas |
msoComment |
msoFormControl |
msoCallout |
msoChart |
msoEmbeddedOLEObject |
msoFreeform |
msoGroup |
msoLine |
msoLinkedOLEObject |
msoLinkedPicture |
msoMedia |
msoOLEControlObject |
msoPicture |
msoPlaceholder |
msoScriptAnchor |
msoShapeTypeMixed |
msoTable |
msoTextBox |
msoTextEffect |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the Style object.
Returns the style type. Read-only WdStyleType.
WdStyleType can be one of these WdStyleType constants. |
wdStyleTypeCharacter |
wdStyleTypeList |
wdStyleTypeParagraph |
wdStyleTypeTable |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Style object.
Type property as it applies to the StyleSheet object.
Returns or sets the style sheet type. Read/write WdStyleSheetLinkType.
WdStyleSheetLinkType can be one of these WdStyleSheetLinkType constants. |
wdStyleSheetLinkTypeImported |
wdStyleSheetLinkTypeLinked |
expression Required. An expression that returns a StyleSheet object.
Type property as it applies to the Template object.
Returns the template type. Read-only WdTemplateType.
WdTemplateType can be one of these WdTemplateType constants. |
wdAttachedTemplate |
wdGlobalTemplate |
wdNormalTemplate |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Template object.
Type property as it applies to the TextInput object.
Returns the type of text form field. Read-only WdTextFormFieldType.
WdTextFormFieldType can be one of these WdTextFormFieldType constants. |
wdCalculationText |
wdCurrentDateText |
wdCurrentTimeText |
wdDateText |
wdNumberText |
wdRegularText |
expression Required. An expression that returns a TextInput object.
Type property as it applies to the View object.
Returns or sets the view type. Read/write WdViewType.
WdViewType can be one of these WdViewType constants. |
wdMasterView |
wdOutlineView |
wdPrintView |
wdNormalView |
wdPrintPreview |
wdWebView |
expression Required. An expression that returns a View object.
The Type property returns wdMasterView for all documents where the current view is an outline or a master document. The current view will never return wdOutlineView unless explicitly set first in code.
To check whether the current document is an outline, use the Type property and the Subdocuments collection's Count property. If the Type property returns either wdOutlineView or wdMasterView and the Count property returns zero, the document is an outline. For example:
Sub VerifyOutlineView()
With ActiveWindow.View
If .Type = wdOutlineView Or wdMasterView Then
If ActiveDocument.Subdocuments.Count = 0 Then
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
Type property as it applies to the Window object.
Returns the window type. Read-only WdWindowType.
WdWindowType can be one of these WdWindowType constants. |
wdWindowTemplate |
wdWindowDocument |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Window object.
Type property as it applies to the WrapFormat object.
Returns the wrap type for the specified shape. Read/write WdWrapType.
WdWrapType can be one of these WdWrapType constants. |
wdWrapInline |
wdWrapNone |
wdWrapSquare |
wdWrapThrough |
wdWrapTight |
wdWrapTopBottom |
expression Required. An expression that returns a WrapFormat object.
As it applies to the Document object.
If the active window contains a document, this example redefines the Heading 1 style as centered.
If ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.Type = wdWindowDocument Then
ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 1") _
.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
End If
As it applies to the Revision object.
This example accepts the next revision in the active document if the revision type is inserted text.
Set myRev = Selection.NextRevision
If Not (myRev Is Nothing) Then
If myRev.Type = wdRevisionInsert Then myRev.Accept
End If
As it applies to the Selection object.
This example formats the selection as engraved if the selection isn't an insertion point.
If Selection.Type <> wdSelectionIP Then
Selection.Font.Engrave = True
MsgBox "You need to select some text."
End If
As it applies to the Style object.
This example displays a message that indicates the style type of the style named "SubTitle" in the active document.
If ActiveDocument.Styles("SubTitle").Type = _
wdStyleTypeParagraph Then
MsgBox "Paragraph style"
ElseIf ActiveDocument.Styles("SubTitle").Type = _
wdStyleTypeCharacter Then
MsgBox "Character style"
End If
As it applies to the View object.
This example switches the active window to print preview. The Type property creates a new print preview window.
ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdPrintPreview