FramesetBorderColor Property
Returns or sets the color of the frame borders on the specified frames page. Can be any of the WdColor constants or a value returned by Visual Basic's RGB function. Read/write.
WdColor can be one of these WdColor constants. |
wdColorGray625 |
wdColorGray70 |
wdColorGray80 |
wdColorGray875 |
wdColorGray95 |
wdColorIndigo |
wdColorLightBlue |
wdColorLightOrange |
wdColorLightYellow |
wdColorOliveGreen |
wdColorPaleBlue |
wdColorPlum |
wdColorRed |
wdColorRose |
wdColorSeaGreen |
wdColorSkyBlue |
wdColorTan |
wdColorTeal |
wdColorTurquoise |
wdColorViolet |
wdColorWhite |
wdColorYellow |
wdColorAqua |
wdColorAutomatic |
wdColorBlack |
wdColorBlue |
wdColorBlueGray |
wdColorBrightGreen |
wdColorBrown |
wdColorDarkBlue |
wdColorDarkGreen |
wdColorDarkRed |
wdColorDarkTeal |
wdColorDarkYellow |
wdColorGold |
wdColorGray05 |
wdColorGray10 |
wdColorGray125 |
wdColorGray15 |
wdColorGray20 |
wdColorGray25 |
wdColorGray30 |
wdColorGray35 |
wdColorGray375 |
wdColorGray40 |
wdColorGray45 |
wdColorGray50 |
wdColorGray55 |
wdColorGray60 |
wdColorGray65 |
wdColorGray75 |
wdColorGray85 |
wdColorGray90 |
wdColorGreen |
wdColorLavender |
wdColorLightGreen |
wdColorLightTurquoise |
wdColorLime |
wdColorOrange |
wdColorPink |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Frameset object.
For more information on creating frames pages, see Creating frames pages.
This example sets the color of frame borders in the specified frames page to tan.
With ActiveWindow.Document.Frameset
.FramesetBorderColor = wdColorTan
.FramesetBorderWidth = 6
End With