InUse Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

InUse Property


True if the specified style is a built-in style that has been modified or applied in the document or a new style that has been created in the document. Read-only Boolean.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a Style object.


This property doesn't necessarily indicate whether the style is currently applied to any text in the document. For instance, if text that's been formatted with a style is deleted, the InUse property of the style remains True. For built-in styles that have never been used in the document, this property returns False.


This example displays a message box that lists the names of all the styles that are currently being used in the active document.

Dim docActive As Document
Dim strMessage As String
Dim styleLoop As Style

Set docActive = ActiveDocument

strMessage = "Styles in use:" & vbCr

For Each styleLoop In docActive.Styles
    If styleLoop.InUse = True Then
        With docActive.Content.Find
            .Text = ""
            .Style = styleLoop
            .Execute Format:=True
            If .Found = True Then
                strMessage = strMessage & styleLoop.Name & vbCr
            End If
        End With
    End If
Next styleLoop

MsgBox strMessage