FileConverters Collection Object

A collection of FileConverter objects that represent all the file converters available for opening and saving files.
Using the FileConverters Collection
Use the FileConverters property to return the FileConverters collection. The following example determines whether a WordPerfect 6.0 converter is available.
For Each conv In FileConverters
If conv.FormatName = "WordPerfect 6.x" Then
MsgBox "WordPerfect 6.0 converter is installed"
End if
Next conv
The Add method isn't available for the FileConverters collection. FileConverter objects are added during installation of Microsoft Office or by installing supplemental converters.
Use FileConverters(index), where index is a class name or index number, to return a single FileConverter object. The following example displays the extensions associated wtih the Microsoft Excel worksheet converter.
MsgBox FileConverters("MSBiff").Extensions
The index number represents the position of the file converter in the FileConverters collection. The following example displays the format name of the first file converter.
MsgBox FileConverters(1).FormatName
File converters for saving documents are listed in the Save As dialog box. File converters for opening documents appear in a dialog box if the Confirm conversion at Open check box is selected on the General tab in the Options dialog box (Tools menu).