SynonymList Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

SynonymList Property


Returns a list of synonyms for a specified meaning of a word or phrase. The list is returned as an array of strings. Read-only Variant.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a SynonymInfo object.

Meaning   Required Variant. The meaning as a string or an index number in the array of possible meanings.


This example returns a list of synonyms for the word "big," using the meaning "generous" in U.S. English.

Slist = SynonymInfo(Word:="big", LanguageID:=wdEnglishUS) _
For i = 1 To UBound(Slist)
    Msgbox Slist(i)
Next i

This example returns a list of synonyms for the second meaning of the selected word or phrase and displays these synonyms in the Immediate window of the Visual Basic editor. If there's no second meaning or if there are no synonyms, this is stated in a message box.

Set mySi = Selection.Range.SynonymInfo
If mySi.MeaningCount >= 2 Then
    synList = mySi.SynonymList(Meaning:=2)
        For i = 1 To UBound(synList)
            Debug.Print synList(i)
        Next i
    MsgBox "There is no second meaning for this word or phrase."
End If