ReadOnly Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

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ReadOnly Property


ReadOnly property as it applies to the Dictionary and Document objects.

Dictionary object: True if the specified dictionary cannot be changed. Read-only Boolean.

Document object: True if changes to the document cannot be saved to the original document. Read-only Boolean.


expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.

Note   The active grammar, hyphenation, spelling, and thesaurus dictionaries are read-only. Custom dictionaries are read/write.

ReadOnly property as it applies to the RecentFile object.

True if changes to the document cannot be saved to the original document. Read/write Boolean.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a RecentFile object.


As it applies to the Dictionary and Document objects.

This example saves the active document if it isn't read-only.

If ActiveDocument.ReadOnly = False Then ActiveDocument.Save

As it applies to the RecentFile object.

This example opens the most recently used file as a read-only document.

With RecentFiles(1)
    .ReadOnly = True
End With