TabStops Collection Object

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

TabStops Collection Object

Multiple objects TabStops (TabStop)

A collection of TabStop objects that represent the custom and default tabs for a paragraph or group of paragraphs.

Using the TabStops Collection

Use the TabStops property to return the TabStops collection. The following example clears all the custom tab stops from the first paragraph in the active document.


The following example adds a tab stop positioned at 2.5 inches to the selected paragraphs and then displays the position of each item in the TabStops collection.

Selection.Paragraphs.TabStops.Add Position:=InchesToPoints(2.5)
For Each aTab In Selection.Paragraphs.TabStops
    MsgBox "Position = " _
        & PointsToInches(aTab.Position) & " inches"
Next aTab

Use the Add method to add a tab stop. The following example adds two tab stops to the selected paragraphs. The first tab stop is a left-aligned tab with a dotted tab leader positioned at 1 inch (72 points). The second tab stop is centered and is positioned at 2 inches.

With Selection.Paragraphs.TabStops
    .Add Position:=InchesToPoints(1), _
        Leader:=wdTabLeaderDots, Alignment:=wdAlignTabLeft
    .Add Position:=InchesToPoints(2), Alignment:=wdAlignTabCenter
End With

You can also add a tab stop by specifying a location with the TabStops property. The following example adds a right-aligned tab stop positioned at 2 inches to the selected paragraphs.

Selection.Paragraphs.TabStops(InchesToPoints(2)) _
    .Alignment = wdAlignTabRight

Use TabStops(index), where index is the location of the tab stop (in points) or the index number, to return a single TabStop object. Tab stops are indexed numerically from left to right along the ruler. The following example removes the first custom tab stop from the first paragraph in the active document.


The following example adds a right-aligned tab stop positioned at 2 inches to the selected paragraphs.

Selection.Paragraphs.TabStops(InchesToPoints(2)) _
    .Alignment = wdAlignTabRight


When working with the Paragraphs collection (or a range with several paragraphs), you must modify each paragraph in the collection individually if the tab stops aren't identical in all the paragraphs. The following example removes the tab positioned at 1 inch from every paragraph in the active document.

For Each para In ActiveDocument.Content.Paragraphs
Next para