EmailOptions Object

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

EmailOptions Object

Application EmailOptions
     Multiple objects

Contains global application-level attributes used by Microsoft Word when you create and edit e-mail messages and replies.

Using the EmailOptions Object

Use the EmailOptions property to return the EmailOptions object.

This example changes the font color of the default style used to compose new e-mail messages.

Application.EmailOptions.ComposeStyle.Font.Color = _

This example sets Word to mark comments in e-mail messages with the initials "WK."

Application.EmailOptions.MarkCommentsWith = "WK"
Application.EmailOptions.MarkComments = True

This example changes the signatures Word appends to new outgoing e-mail messages and e-mail message replies.

With Application.EmailOptions.EmailSignature
    .NewMessageSignature = "Signature1"
    .ReplyMessageSignature = "Reply2"
End With