ShowWizard Method

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

ShowWizard Method


Displays the Mail Merge Wizard in a document.

expression.ShowWizard(InitialState, ShowDocumentStep, ShowTemplateStep, ShowDataStep, ShowWriteStep, ShowPreviewStep, ShowMergeStep)

expression   Required. An expression that returns a MailMerge object.

InitialState  Required Variant. The number of the Mail Merge Wizard step to display.

ShowDocumentStep  Optional Variant. True keeps the "Select document type" step in the sequence of mail merge steps. False removes step one.

ShowTemplateStep  Optional Variant. True keeps the "Select starting document" step in the sequence of mail merge steps. False removes step two.

ShowDataStep  Optional Variant. True keeps the "Select recipients" step in the sequence of mail merge steps. False removes step three.

ShowWriteStep  Optional Variant. True keeps the "Write your letter" step in the sequence of mail merge steps. False removes step four.

ShowPreviewStep  Optional Variant. True keeps the "Preview your letters" step in the sequence of mail merge steps. False removes step five.

ShowMergeStep  Optional Variant. True keeps the "Complete the merge" step in the sequence of mail merge steps. False removes step six.


This example checks if the Mail Merge Wizard is already displayed and, if it is, moves to the Mail Merge Wizard's sixth step and removes the fifth step from the Wizard.

Sub ShowMergeWizard()
    With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
        If .WizardState > 0 Then
            .ShowWizard InitialState:=6, ShowPreviewStep:=False
        End If
    End With
End Sub