IMEMode Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

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IMEMode Property


Returns or sets the default start-up mode for the Japanese Input Method Editor (IME). Read/write WdIMEMode.

WdIMEMode can be one of these WdIMEMode constants.
wdIMEModeAlpha Activates the IME in half-width Latin mode.
wdIMEModeAlphaFull Activates the IME in full-width Latin mode.
wdIMEModeHangul Activates the IME in half-width Hangul mode.
wdIMEModeHangulFull Activates the IME in full-width Hangul mode.
wdIMEModeHiragana Activates the IME in full-width hiragana mode.
wdIMEModeKatakana Activates the IME in full-width katakana mode.
wdIMEModeKatakanaHalf Activates the IME in half-width katakana mode.
wdIMEModeNoControl Does not change the IME mode.
wdIMEModeOff Disables the IME and activates Latin text entry.
wdIMEModeOn Activates the IME.


expression   Required. An expression that returns an Window object.