IMEMode Property
Returns or sets the default start-up mode for the Japanese Input Method Editor (IME). Read/write WdIMEMode.
WdIMEMode can be one of these WdIMEMode constants. |
wdIMEModeAlpha Activates the IME in half-width Latin mode. |
wdIMEModeAlphaFull Activates the IME in full-width Latin mode. |
wdIMEModeHangul Activates the IME in half-width Hangul mode. |
wdIMEModeHangulFull Activates the IME in full-width Hangul mode. |
wdIMEModeHiragana Activates the IME in full-width hiragana mode. |
wdIMEModeKatakana Activates the IME in full-width katakana mode. |
wdIMEModeKatakanaHalf Activates the IME in half-width katakana mode. |
wdIMEModeNoControl Does not change the IME mode. |
wdIMEModeOff Disables the IME and activates Latin text entry. |
wdIMEModeOn Activates the IME. |
expression Required. An expression that returns an Window object.