OverPrint Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

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OverPrint Property


When creating separation plates for commercial printing, MsoTrue indicates that the specified shape is not printed on the separation plates where the ink level of the shape is set to 0 (zero). Read/write MsoTriState.

MsoTriState can be one of these MsoTriState constants.
msoCTrue  Does not apply to this property.
msoFalse  Removes any color left for the selected shape by earlier plates.
msoTriStateMixed  Does not apply to this property.
msoTriStateToggle  Does not apply to this property.
msoTrue  Excludes the shape from being processed or printed on a CMYK plate.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a ColorFormat object.


This example creates a new shape in the active document, sets the fill color, and excludes the shape from the printer's plate.

Sub TintShade()
    Dim shpHeart As Shape
    Set shpHeart = ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddShape( _
        Type:=msoShapeHeart, Left:=150, _
        Top:=150, Width:=250, Height:=250)
    With shpHeart.Fill.ForeColor
        .SetCMYK Cyan:=0, Magenta:=125, Yellow:=12, Black:=25
        .TintAndShade = 0.3
        .OverPrint = msoTrue
    End With
End Sub