Enable Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

Enable Property


Returns or sets border formatting for the specified object. Returns True or wdUndefined if border formatting is applied to all or part of the specified object. Can be set to True, False, or a WdLineStyle constant. Read/write Long.


The Enable property applies to all borders for the specified object. True sets the line style to the default line style and sets the line width to the default line width. The default line style and line width can be set using the DefaultBorderLineWidth and DefaultBorderLineStyle properties.

To remove all the borders from an object, set the Enable property to False, as shown in the following example.

ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Borders.Enable = False

To remove or apply a single border, use Borders(index), where index is a WdBorderType constant, to return a single border, and then set the LineStyle property. The following example removes the bottom border from rngTemp.

Dim rngTemp

rngTemp.Borders(wdBorderBottom).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone


This example removes all borders from the first cell in table one.

If ActiveDocument.Tables.Count >= 1 Then
    ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(1, 1).Borders.Enable = False
End If

This example applies a dashed border around the first paragraph in the selection.

Options.DefaultBorderLineWidth = wdLineWidth025pt
Selection.Paragraphs(1).Borders.Enable = _

This example applies a border around the first character in the selection. If nothing is selected, the border is applied to the first character after the insertion point.

Selection.Characters(1).Borders.Enable = True