MappedDataFields Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

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MappedDataFields Property


Returns a MappedDataFields object that represents the mapped data fields available in Microsoft Word.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a MailMergeDataSource object.


This example creates a tabbed list of the mapped data fields available in Word and the fields in the data source to which they are mapped. This example assumes that the current document is a mail merge document.

Sub MappedFields()
    Dim intCount As Integer
    Dim docCurrent As Document
    Dim docNew As Document

    On Error Resume Next

    Set docCurrent = ThisDocument
    Set docNew = Documents.Add

    'Add leader tab to new document
    docNew.Paragraphs.TabStops.Add _
        Position:=InchesToPoints(3.5), _

    With docCurrent.MailMerge.DataSource

        'Insert heading paragraph for tabbed columns
        docNew.Content.InsertAfter "Word Mapped Data Field" _
            & vbTab & "Data Source Field"

                intCount = intCount + 1

                    'Insert Word mapped data field name and the
                    'corresponding data source field name
                    docNew.Content.InsertAfter .MappedDataFields( _
                        Index:=intCount).Name & vbTab & _
                        .MappedDataFields(Index:=intCount) _

                    'Insert paragraph
            Loop Until intCount = .MappedDataFields.Count

    End With

End Sub