NextRevision Method

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

NextRevision Method

Locates and returns the next tracked change as a Revision object. The changed text becomes the current selection. Use the properties of the resulting Revision object to see what type of change it is, who made it, and so forth. Use the methods of the Revision object to accept or reject the change.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a Selection object.

Wrap   Optional Variant. True to continue searching for a revision at the beginning of the document when the end of the document is reached. The default value is False.


If there are no tracked changes to be found, the current selection remains unchanged.


This example rejects the next tracked change found after the fifth paragraph in the active document. The revTemp variable is set to Nothing if a change is not found.

Dim rngTemp as Range
Dim revTemp as Revision
If ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Count >= 5 Then
    Set rngTemp = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(5).Range
    Set revTemp = Selection.NextRevision(Wrap:=False)
    If Not (revTemp Is Nothing) Then revTemp.Reject
End If

This example accepts the next tracked change found if the change type is inserted text.

Dim revTemp as Revision
Set revTemp = Selection.NextRevision(Wrap:=True)
If Not (revTemp Is Nothing) Then
    If revTemp.Type = wdRevisionInsert Then revTemp.Accept
End If

This example finds the next revision after the current selection made by the author of the document.

Dim revTemp as Revision
Dim strAuthor as String
strAuthor = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(wdPropertyAuthor)
Do While True
    Set revTemp = Selection.NextRevision(Wrap:=False)
    If Not (revTemp Is Nothing) Then
        If revTemp.Author = strAuthor Then
            MsgBox Prompt:="Another revision by " & strAuthor & "!"
            Exit Do
        End If
        MsgBox Prompt:="No more revisions!"
        Exit Do
    End If