CustomProperty Object

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

CustomProperty Object

CustomProperties CustomProperty

Represents a single instance of a custom property for a smart tag. The CustomProperty object is a member of the CustomProperties collection.

Using the CustomProperty object

Use the Item method — or Properties(Index), where index is the number of the property — of the CustomProperties collection to return a CustomProperty object. Use the Name and Value properties to return the information related to a custom property for a smart tag.  This example displays a message containing the name and value of the first custom property of the first smart tag in the current document. This example assumes that the current document contains at least one smart tag and that the first smart tag has at least one custom property.

Sub SmartTagsProps()
    With ThisDocument.SmartTags(Index:=1).Properties.Item(Index:=1)
        MsgBox "Smart Tag Name: " & .Name & vbLf & _
            "Smart Tag Value: " & .Value
    End With
End Sub