SummaryLength Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

SummaryLength Property


Returns or sets the length of the summary as a percentage of the document length. The larger the number, the more detail that's included in the summary. Read/write Long.

Note   This property takes effect immediately if the AutoSummarize toolbar is displayed; otherwise, it takes effect the next time the AutoSummarize method or the SummaryViewMode property is applied to the document.


This example highlights the key points in the active document. The level of detail is set to 50 percent.

With ActiveDocument
    .AutoSummarize Mode:=wdSummaryModeHighlight
    .SummaryLength = 50
End With

This example displays the summary and sets the level of detail to 55 percent.

With ActiveDocument
    .ShowSummary = True
    .SummaryLength = 55
End With