PictureWrapType Property
Sets or returns a WdWrapTypeMerged that indicates how Microsoft Word wraps text around pictures. Read/write.
WdWrapTypeMerged can be one of these WdWrapTypeMerged constants. |
wdWrapMergeBehind |
wdWrapMergeFront |
wdWrapMergeInline Default |
wdWrapMergeSquare |
wdWrapMergeThrough |
wdWrapMergeTight |
wdWrapMergeTopBottom |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.
This is a default option setting and affects all pictures inserted unless picture wrapping is individually defined for a picture.
This example sets Word to insert and paste all pictures inline with the text if inline is not already specified.
Sub PicWrap()
With Application.Options
If .PictureWrapType <> wdWrapMergeInline Then
.PictureWrapType = wdWrapMergeInline
End If
End With
End Sub