SetDefaultTableStyle Method

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

SetDefaultTableStyle Method


Specifies the table style to use for newly created tables in a document.

expression.SetDefaultTableStyle(Style, SetInTemplate)

expression   Required. An expression that returns a Document object.

Style  Required Variant. A string specifying the name of the style.

SetInTemplate  Required Boolean. True to save the table style in the template attached to the document.


This example checks to see if the default table style used in the active document is named Table Normal and, if it is, changes the default table style to TableStyle1. This example assumes that you have a table style named TableStyle1.

Sub TableDefaultStyle()

    With ActiveDocument

        If .DefaultTableStyle = "Table Normal" Then
            .SetDefaultTableStyle _
                Style:="TableStyle1", SetInTemplate:=True
        End If

    End With

End Sub