Filter Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

Filter Property


Returns or sets a value that specifies how Microsoft Word classifies the first character of entries in the specified index. Can be any of the following WdIndexFilter constants: wdIndexFilterAiueo, wdIndexFilterAkasatana, wdIndexFilterChosung, wdIndexFilterLow, wdIndexFilterMedium, wdIndexFilterFull, or wdIndexFilterNone. Read/write Long.


This example inserts an index at the end of the active document. right-aligns the page numbers, and then sets Microsoft Word to classify index entries as "akasatanaakasatanaakasatanaakasatanaakasatana".

Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Range _
    (Start:=ActiveDocument.Content.End -1, _
    End:=ActiveDocument.Content.End -1)
ActiveDocument.Indexes.Add(Range:=myRange, Type:=wdIndexIndent, _
    RightAlignPageNumbers:=True).Filter = wdIndexFilterAkasatana