International Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

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International Property


Returns information about the current country/region and international settings. Read-only Variant.


expression   Required. An expression that returns an Application object.

Index   Required WdInternationalIndex. The current country/region and/or international setting.

WdInternationalIndex can be one of these WdInternationalIndex constants.
wd24HourClock Returns True if you're using 24-hour time; returns False if you're using 12-hour time.
wdCurrencyCode Returns the currency symbol ($ in U.S. English).
wdDateSeparator Returns the date separator (/ in U.S. English).
wdDecimalSeparator Returns the decimal separator (. in U.S. English).
wdInternationalAM Returns the string used to indicate morning hours (for example, 10 AM).
wdInternationalPM Returns the string used to indicate afternoon and evening hours (for example, 2 PM).
wdListSeparator Returns the list separator (, in U.S. English).
wdProductLanguageID Returns the language version of Word.
wdThousandsSeparator Returns the thousands separator (, in U.S. English).
wdTimeSeparator Returns the time separator (: in U.S. English).


This example displays the currency format in the status bar.

StatusBar = "Currency Format: " _
    & Application.International(wdCurrencyCode)