Autoload Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

Autoload Property


True if the specified add-in is automatically loaded when Word is started. Add-ins located in the Startup folder in the Word program folder are automatically loaded. Read-only Boolean.


This example displays the name of each add-in that is automatically loaded when Word is started.

Dim addinLoop as AddIn
Dim blnFound as Boolean

blnFound = False

For Each addinLoop In AddIns
    With addinLoop
        If .Autoload = True Then 
            MsgBox .Name
            blnFound = True
        End If
    End With
Next addinLoop

If blnFound <> True Then _
    MsgBox "No add-ins were loaded automatically."

This example determines whether the add-in named "" was automatically loaded.

Dim addinLoop as AddIn

For Each addinLoop In AddIns
    If InStr(LCase$(addinLoop.Name), "") > 0 Then
        If addinLoop.Autoload = True Then Msgbox "Autoload"
    End If
Next addinLoop