View3D Method

NI Vision for Visual Basic

View3D Method


CWIMAQVision.View3D SourceImage, DestImage, Direction [, Subsample = 2] [, MaxHeight = 64] [, Alpha = 30.0] [, Beta = 30,0] [, Border = 20] [, Background = 85] [, ComplexPlane = cwimaqComplexPlaneMagnitude]

Return Type


On success, this method returns 0. On failure, this method returns a negative number.


Obsolete Displays an image using an isometric view. Each pixel from the image source appears as a column of pixels in the 3D view. The pixel value corresponds to the altitude.


This method modifies the source image. If you need the original source image, create a copy of the image using the CWIMAQVision.Copy method before using this method.

Use this method with U8 and Complex images.


SourceImage As CWIMAQImage

The input image.

DestImage As CWIMAQImage

The resulting image, which must be a U8 image.

Direction As CWIMAQView3DDirections

The 3D orientation.

Subsample As Variant

[Optional] A factor applied to the source image to calculate the final dimensions of the 3D view image. This factor is a divider that the method applies to the source image when determining the final height and width of the 3D view image. A factor of 1 uses all of the source image pixels when determining the 3D view image. A factor of 2 results in using every other line and every other column of the source image pixels to determine the 3D view image.

This parameter has a default value of 2.

MaxHeight As Variant

[Optional] The maximum height of a pixel that the method draws in 3D. This value is mapped from a maximum of 255 (from the source image) in relation to the baseline in the 3D view. A value of 255 therefore assigns a one to one correspondence between the intensity value in the source image and the display in 3D view. The default value of 64 results in a 4 x 4 reduction between the original intensity value of the pixel in the source image and the final displayed 3D image.

This parameter has a default value of 64.

Alpha As Variant

[Optional] The angle between the horizontal and the base line. Valid angles range from 15 to 45 degrees.

This parameter has a default value of 30.0.

Beta As Variant

[Optional] The angle between the horizontal and the second baseline. Valid angles range from 15° to 45°.

This parameter has a default value of 30,0.

Border As Variant

[Optional] Defines the border size in the 3D view.

This parameter has a default value of 20.

Background As Variant

[Optional] The background color for the 3D view.

This parameter has a default value of 85.

ComplexPlane As Variant

[Optional] The view to show if the image is Complex. This input can be any value in the cwimaqComplexPlanes enumeration.

This parameter has a default value of cwimaqComplexPlaneMagnitude.