RefineMatches Method
CWIMAQVision.RefineMatches SearchImage, Template, MatchPatternOptions, PatternMatchReport, RefinedPatternMatchReport
Return Type
On success, this method returns 0. On failure, this method returns a negative number.
Refines matches returned from MatchPattern2 using subpixel information learned using LearnPattern2.
SearchImage As CWIMAQImage
The image in which you originally located the matches you want to refine.
Template As CWIMAQImage
The template for which you want to search during the refinement phase.
MatchPatternOptions As CWIMAQMatchPatternOptions
The options that were passed to MatchPattern2.
PatternMatchReport As CWIMAQPatternMatchReport
The matches found by MatchPattern2.
RefinedPatternMatchReport As CWIMAQPatternMatchReport
On return, the refined matches.