Correlate Method
CWIMAQVision.Correlate SourceImage, PatternImage, DestImage, Left, Top, Width, Height
Return Type
The source image. The correlation modifies the border of the source image. The border must be at least half as large as the larger dimension of the template image.
Obsolete—Use Correlate2 instead. Computes the normalized cross correlation between the source image and the template image.
This method modifies the source image. If you need the original source image, create a copy of the image using the CWIMAQVision.Copy method before using this method.
Use this method with U8 images. This method is optimized for MMX. However, MMX optimization is valid only when the width of the template image is a multiple of 4.
Correlation is a time-intensive operation. You can reduce the time required to perform a correlation by keeping the template size small and reducing the search area in the source image with the Left, Top, Width, and Height parameters.
SourceImage As CWIMAQImage
The source image. The correlation modifies the border of the source image. The border must be at least half as large as the larger dimension of the template image.
PatternImage As CWIMAQImage
The template image to correlate against the source.
DestImage As CWIMAQImage
The resulting 8-bit image containing the cross correlation values normalized to lie in the range [0, 255]. A value of 255 indicates a very high correlation and a value of 0 indicates no correlation.
Left As Long
The left edge of the search rectangle in the source image.
Top As Long
The top edge of the search rectangle in the source image.
Width As Long
The width of the search rectangle in the source image.
Height As Long
The height of the search rectangle in the source image.