Parameter Property
Data Type
You can use the following constants with this data type:
- cwimaqMeasurementArea—Area of the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementAreaByImageArea—Percentage of the particle Area covering the Image Area.
- cwimaqMeasurementAreaByParticleAndHolesArea—Percentage of the particle Area in relation to its Particle and Holes' Area.
- cwimaqMeasurementAverageHorizSegmentLength—Average length of a horizontal segment in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementAverageVertSegmentLength—Average length of a vertical segment in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementBoundingRectBottom—Y-coordinate of the lowest particle point.
- cwimaqMeasurementBoundingRectDiagonal—Distance between opposite corners of the bounding rectangle.
- cwimaqMeasurementBoundingRectHeight—Distance between the y-coordinate of highest particle point and the y-coordinate of the lowest particle point.
- cwimaqMeasurementBoundingRectLeft—X-coordinate of the leftmost particle point.
- cwimaqMeasurementBoundingRectRight—X-coordinate of the rightmost particle point.
- cwimaqMeasurementBoundingRectTop—Y-coordinate of highest particle point.
- cwimaqMeasurementBoundingRectWidth—Distance between the x-coordinate of the leftmost particle point and the x-coordinate of the rightmost particle point.
- cwimaqMeasurementCenterMassX—X-coordinate of the point representing the average position of the total particle mass assuming every point in the particle has a constant density.
- cwimaqMeasurementCenterMassY—Y-coordinate of the point representing the average position of the total particle mass assuming every point in the particle has a constant density.
- cwimaqMeasurementCompactnessFactor—Area divided by the product of Bounding Rect Width and Bounding Rect Height.
- cwimaqMeasurementConvexHullArea—Area of the smallest convex polygon containing all points in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementConvexHullPerimeter—Perimeter of the smallest convex polygon containing all points in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementElongationFactor—Max Feret Diameter divided by Equivalent Rect Short Side (Feret).
- cwimaqMeasurementEquivalentEllipseMajorAxis—Length of the major axis of the ellipse with the same perimeter and area as the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementEquivalentEllipseMinorAxis—Length of the minor axis of the ellipse with the same perimeter and area as the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementEquivalentEllipseMinorAxisFeret—Length of the minor axis of the ellipse with the same area as the particle, and Major Axis equal in length to the Max Feret Diameter.
- cwimaqMeasurementEquivalentRectDiagonal—Distance between opposite corners of the rectangle with the same perimeter and area as the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementEquivalentRectLongSide—Longest side of the rectangle with the same perimeter and area as the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementEquivalentRectShortSide—Shortest side of the rectangle with the same perimeter and area as the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementEquivalentRectShortSideFeret—Shortest side of the rectangle with the same area as the particle, and longest side equal in length to the Max Feret Diameter.
- cwimaqMeasurementFirstPixelX—X-coordinate of the highest, leftmost particle pixel.
- cwimaqMeasurementFirstPixelY—Y-coordinate of the highest, leftmost particle pixel.
- cwimaqMeasurementHeywoodCircularityFactor—Perimeter divided by the circumference of a circle with the same area.
- cwimaqMeasurementHolesArea—Sum of the areas of each hole in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementHolesPerimeter—Sum of the perimeters of each hole in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementHuMoment1—The first Hu moment.
- cwimaqMeasurementHuMoment2—The second Hu moment.
- cwimaqMeasurementHuMoment3—The third Hu moment.
- cwimaqMeasurementHuMoment4—The fourth Hu moment.
- cwimaqMeasurementHuMoment5—The fifth Hu moment.
- cwimaqMeasurementHuMoment6—The sixth Hu moment.
- cwimaqMeasurementHuMoment7—The seventh Hu moment.
- cwimaqMeasurementHydraulicRadius—The particle area divided by the particle perimeter.
- cwimaqMeasurementImageArea—Area of the image.
- cwimaqMeasurementMaxFeretDiameter—Distance between the start and end of the line segment connecting the two perimeter points that are the furthest apart.
- cwimaqMeasurementMaxFeretDiameterEndX—X-coordinate of the end of the line segment connecting the two perimeter points that are the furthest apart.
- cwimaqMeasurementMaxFeretDiameterEndY—Y-coordinate of the end of the line segment connecting the two perimeter points that are the furthest apart.
- cwimaqMeasurementMaxFeretDiameterOrientation—The angle of the line segment connecting the two perimeter points that are the furthest apart.
- cwimaqMeasurementMaxFeretDiameterStartX—X-coordinate of the start of the line segment connecting the two perimeter points that are the furthest apart.
- cwimaqMeasurementMaxFeretDiameterStartY—Y-coordinate of the start of the line segment connecting the two perimeter points that are the furthest apart.
- cwimaqMeasurementMaxHorizSegmentLengthLeft—X-coordinate of the leftmost pixel in the longest row of contiguous pixels in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementMaxHorizSegmentLengthRight—X-coordinate of the rightmost pixel in the longest row of contiguous pixels in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementMaxHorizSegmentLengthRow—Y-coordinate of all of the pixels in the longest row of contiguous pixels in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementMomentOfInertiaXX—The moment of inertia in the x-direction twice.
- cwimaqMeasurementMomentOfInertiaXXX—The moment of inertia in the x-direction three times.
- cwimaqMeasurementMomentOfInertiaXXY—The moment of inertia in the x-direction twice and the y-direction once.
- cwimaqMeasurementMomentOfInertiaXY—The moment of inertia in the x- and y-directions.
- cwimaqMeasurementMomentOfInertiaXYY—The moment of inertia in the x-direction once and the y-direction twice.
- cwimaqMeasurementMomentOfInertiaYY—The moment of inertia in the y-direction twice.
- cwimaqMeasurementMomentOfInertiaYYY—The moment of inertia in the y-direction three times.
- cwimaqMeasurementNormMomentOfInertiaXX—The normalized moment of inertia in the x-direction twice.
- cwimaqMeasurementNormMomentOfInertiaXXX—The normalized moment of inertia in the x-direction three times.
- cwimaqMeasurementNormMomentOfInertiaXXY—The normalized moment of inertia in the x-direction twice and the y-direction once.
- cwimaqMeasurementNormMomentOfInertiaXY—The normalized moment of inertia in the x- and y-directions.
- cwimaqMeasurementNormMomentOfInertiaXYY—The normalized moment of inertia in the x-direction once and the y-direction twice.
- cwimaqMeasurementNormMomentOfInertiaYY—The normalized moment of inertia in the y-direction twice.
- cwimaqMeasurementNormMomentOfInertiaYYY—The normalized moment of inertia in the y-direction three times.
- cwimaqMeasurementNumberOfHoles—Number of holes in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementNumberOfHorizSegments—Number of horizontal segments in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementNumberOfVertSegments—Number of vertical segments in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementOrientation—The angle of the line that passes through the particle Center of Mass about which the particle has the lowest moment of inertia.
- cwimaqMeasurementParticleAndHolesArea—Percentage of the particle Area in relation to its Particle and Holes' Area.
- cwimaqMeasurementPerimeter—Sum of the perimeters of each hole in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementRatioOfEquivalentEllipseAxes—Equivalent Ellipse Major Axis divided by Equivalent Ellipse Minor Axis.
- cwimaqMeasurementRatioOfEquivalentRectSides—Equivalent Rect Long Side divided by Equivalent Rect Short Side.
- cwimaqMeasurementSumX—The sum of all x-coordinates in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementSumXX—The sum of all x-coordinates squared in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementSumXXX—The sum of all x-coordinates cubed in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementSumXXY—The sum of all x-coordinates squared times y-coordinates in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementSumXY—The sum of all x-coordinates times y-coordinates in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementSumXYY—The sum of all x-coordinates times y-coordinates squared in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementSumY—The sum of all y-coordinates in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementSumYY—The sum of all y-coordinates squared in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementSumYYY—The sum of all y-coordinates cubed in the particle.
- cwimaqMeasurementTypesFactor—Factor relating area to moment of inertia.
- cwimaqMeasurementWaddelDiskDiameter—Diameter of a disk with the same area as the particle.
Particle parameter to use for filtering.
All CWIMAQMeasurementTypes are valid for this property.