FeatureType Property
Data Type
You can use the following constants with this data type:
- cwimaqCircleFeature—Specifies that the feature data should be interpreted as data for a circle.
- cwimaqClosedCurveFeature—Specifies that the feature data should be interpreted as data for a closed curve.
- cwimaqConstCurveFeature—Specifies that the feature data should be interpreted as data for a constant curve.
- cwimaqCornerFeature—Specifies that the feature data should be interpreted as data for a corner.
- cwimaqEllipseFeature—Specifies that the feature data should be interpreted as data for an ellipse.
- cwimaqLegFeature—Specifies that the feature data should be interpreted as data for a leg.
- cwimaqLineFeature—Specifies that the feature data should be interpreted as data for a line.
- cwimaqNotFoundFeature—Specifies that the feature was not found.
- cwimaqPairOfParallelLinePairsFeature—Specifies that the feature data should be interpreted as data for a pair of parallel line pairs.
- cwimaqParallelLinePairFeature—Specifies that the feature data should be interpreted as data for a parallel line pair.
- cwimaqRectangleFeature—Specifies that the feature data should be interpreted as data for a rectangle.
Specifies how to interpret the CWIMAQGeometricFeatureReportItem.FeatureData property.